We saw the most beautiful rainbow I have ever seen two days ago. We were reading at Starbucks when all of a sudden all the customers and employees started running outside. I followed while Robert stayed behind to read his coffee books. Here is what I saw.
The cool thing was that the rainbow hung around for like thirty minutes.
Here it is pulling into our apartment complex.
And here is the view from our balcony. I really just couldn't get enough of it.
"And God said, 'This is the sign of the covenant I am making between me and you and every living creature with you, a covenant for all generations to come: I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth.'"
-Genesis 9:12-13
What a merciful and honest God we have! Love you all!
PS- Robert and I are starting to make friends! YAY! We got two other married couples' phone numbers who want to hang out! WHOOP!
OMG is that not beautiful - We have had so many double rainbows since we moved to the highrise and they take your breath away. I always think about God making the covenant with Noah - can you imagine after 40 days of rain and then God promises never again will he flood the entire earth. When you look at this rainbow it is like looking into the face of God.
ReplyDeleteI love
Genesis 9:16 "Whenever the rainbow appears
in the clouds, I will see it and remember
the everlasting covenant between God and
all living creatures of every kind on the
Our awesome God the God of perfect love and when you center your life around that love you are showered with God's blessings.
Thanks for sharing this Love you, Padna